A Complete Sellers Guide.

Step One - Getting Documents Ready.

Congratulations, you’ve decided to sell a property! Here is a list of documents and information you will need to prepare before listing your property:

  • Real Property Report.

  • Condominium Documents.

  • Tenants Rights “if applicable”.

  • Current Mortgage.

  • Tax Implications.

  • Any Current Contracts.

Step Two - Interview Me! (a REALTOR®)

Here are a few quick questions you can ask when sitting down with a REALTOR® for the first time:

  • Do you have a job other than that of a real estate licensee?

  • What services will you provide to me?

  • How long have you been in the business?

  • How do you handle offers / multiple offers?

  • Are you apart of a team?

  • How do you get paid?

  • How do you handle conflicts of interest?

  • How will we communicate?

  • What makes you different from other Realtors®?

  • Are you apart of a designated agency or common law brokerage?

Step Three - Work With Me!

Now that you have decided to work with me, there are two documents we need to go through. One being the customer relationship guide. This document outlines yours and my responsibilities in a client / customer relationship, conflict of interest, acting impartial and making informed decisions. The customer relationship guide is NOT a contract but is required to be given and discussed between you and a real estate professional upon meeting.

The second document is a written service agreement. This is a contract between you and your real estate professional that clearly outlines the responsibilities that each party has to one another and is required when acting as a client to a real estate agent. Do NOT sign the written service agreement or “Exclusive Seller Representation Agreement” until you fully understand all parts of the contract as it is legally binding. Please ask your real estate professional for help if there are any areas of the agreement you do not understand.

Step Four - Obligations, Showings and Open Houses!

Congratulations, now it is time to show off your lovely property to the world! In this step, any obligations in the written service agreement involving the showing and marketing of your home, take place. Taking professional pictures, drafting floor plans, RMS measurements and the gathering of all relevant information for your real estate agent, are all required in order to list your property for sale. Once our obligations have been met and the property is ready, it’s time to list!

A lockbox and key will be placed in an agreed upon location between yourself and your REALTOR® for any showings that are agreed upon ahead of time. Any open houses will be attended to for the entire duration by myself “your Realtor®” under conditions set by the selling client such as date, time etc.

Step Five - Offers, Negotiations, and Finalizing.

Great news, someone loves your property and has made you an offer! All offers “good or bad” will be communicated to you “the seller”. If the offer is appealing and you’d like to accept it, congratulations! If the offer is appealing to you but lacks an element or 2, lets negotiate. Once an offer has been accepted it’s time to work on waiving conditions “if applicable”. When conditions are removed all documentation will then be turned over to your lawyer for review and finalization.

Step Six - Possession Day.

Typically, possession “when the buyer receives keys” occurs around noon on the prearranged day of possession. This is when “ if applicable” a pre-possession inspection would take place. If the buyer finds fault with the property such as unreasonable uncleanliness, or if you removed an item that was listed in the agreement, they will reach out to me “your REALTOR®”. Ideally a compromise would be made between both parties without the involvement of lawyers but if the fault is something that cannot be easily redeemable then contacting your lawyer will be necessary.